October 14 – Amount of Deduction for IRWE
Question: I’m working with a Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) beneficiary who began a job 3 months ago at a manufacturing plant. He is deaf and relies on the texting feature on his phone to communicate with his boss and co-workers throughout each work day, since the phone and intercom system they use is not accessible to him. He pays $30 per month for the phone, which is a loan payment, and $50 per month for phone plan which provides him unlimited texting. He also uses the phone to text for non-work purposes. Would only a portion of monthly $80 expense be an Impairment-Related Work Expense (IRWE)?
Answer: No. The amount of IRWE to be deducted from earnings is the total allowable amount (subject to reasonable limits) that the person with a disability pays for the item or service. The amount to be deducted is not determined by assigning a certain portion of the expense to work activity and a certain portion to non-work activity (e.g., 40 percent of the time at work and 60 percent of the time at home). There are some exceptions to this rule, such as attendant care services and vehicle operating expenses. Additionally, the amount deducted is subject to reasonable limits.
Would you like to find out more about WIPA and your benefits? Contact your statewide WIPA Program-Project 20/20 if you have questions like our Daily Tips or want to learn more about working while receiving social security disability benefits. Call our North Augusta office at 803-279-9611 or the Ticket to Work Helpline at 1-866-968-7842. You can also complete a Contact Us or Self-referral Form.