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A Statement from Gaylon, IL Advocate- GA Runoffs Page Image


A Statement from Gaylon, IL Advocate- GA Runoffs

The (GDVP)Georgia Disability Voter Partnership along with REVUP Georgia (Register, Educate, Vote Use your Power), would like to thank all of those in the Disability community for getting out and using our VOTING POWER in this historic election. The voter turnout was historic and our community can take pride in knowing that we were an essential part of this event! We have spoken! Our voices have been heard! The DISABILITY VOTE MATTERS!

As we relax and catch our breath, OUR focus must remain on point. We are a strong voting bloc and it is imperative that we remain engaged as truly, our work is not done after our votes are cast. We, as advocates, must keep our eyes on the prize; “ NOTHING FOR US WITHOUT US! “ We must hold our elected officials accountable and press forward for policies that impact our lives, the things that allow us to live freely and independently in our communities. The policies that foster dignity and respect. That which allows us to “LIVE THE LIVES WE WANT!”

Salute Georgia Disabled Voters! We continue to set the standard! Now, “Our Cause Speeds On Its Way!”