Coming Soon: Successful Horizons Summer Hangout

Come hang out with us this summer!
Are you looking for an opportunity this summer to connect with other young adults like yourself from around the state? Would you like to learn more about empowering your future in a fun, yet relaxed, setting? Well then, Successful Horizons is waiting for you!
If you are aged 13 to 28, and you have a disability, we invite you to log on, make friends, and share your experiences during our weekly summer virtual hangout series! This summer program is designed to build your confidence as you look to the horizon of your future, all while connecting you with your peers.
Weekly hangout topics will include:
- Getting to know you!
- Bringing your best conversation;
- Communicating for your future;
- Putting your best self forward;
- Let’s explore your life;
- Do you know your rights?
- And More!
If this sounds interesting to you please register at For more info, call us today at 843-538-1600 or email Beth at
We are kicking off June 16,2020, so make sure you register today!