Hire Me GA Advocates Inclusive Hiring as Good for Business and the Community

[Augusta, GA] – It’s time to reimagine the workforce. Walton Options for Independent Living and Georgia Rehabilitation Institute (GRI) have come together to raise awareness about disability employment in the CSRA. Hire Me GA was founded with a focus on educating employers looking to create a stronger workforce and empowering job seekers with disabilities in our community.
An inclusive workforce is a stronger workforce. Persons with disabilities have an abundance of skills to bring to the table and they deserve every opportunity to be gainfully employed. Hire Me GA is a resource hub for everything you may need, whether you are looking for assistance in finding a job or wanting to learn more about how to provide employment opportunities for those with disabilities. HireMeGA.com will be continually updated with new learning opportunities, employment resources, community partners, and other employment news.
“A key principle we believe is that people have the right to pursue their goals and aspire to be their best self, to be self-empowered and in control of decisions they make,” explains Tiffany Clifford, executive director of Walton Options for Independent Living. “For many, a big source of that autonomy comes from being employed. Therefore, it is important that our community see the value and importance of including Individuals with Disabilities in our workforce. This campaign is designed to show that value, literally. Through Hire Me GA, real individuals and employers are sharing the mutual benefit and how inclusion works to create a stronger community within their company and beyond.”
To learn more about this dynamic initiative, please visit HireMeGA.com, where you can also access employment resources, professional training opportunities, guidance, community resource connections, and more.
706-724-6262; HireMeGA@waltonotions.org
948 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30901